Nature tourism
With funding from LEADER we have been able to work with the children in Year 5 of the Ribbon Academy in Murton to produce a self-guided walk leaflet. The children researched and designed Murton walks leaflet (PDF) using ipad technology during fieldwork.
Training Days
Working with Durham Wildlife Trust we have delivered 3 training days at Hawthorn Meadows where we studied the rich and diverse grasslands.
Tourism East Durham
As part of the LEADER funding we have managed to establish a small cluster group of tourism related businesses in East Durham. We hope that this group will grow and work together for the benefit of our local economy. If you would like to get involved please get in touch and we will let you know when the next meeting will be.
Transnational Link
Working alongside our Finnish partners from the Air and Sea Association of Finland, we have gained an invaluable insight into their work and how it links with the work we do on Durham’s coast. As a cross cultural project LEADER were able to fund a song writing partnership with local singer/songwriter Steve Percival. The culmination of several months hard work paid off at our annual Low Tide Day event where the song was performed with local choirs. Local man Eddie Mason also sang a song which he had written himself, Seaham Lives On, which was inspired by his links to the town and Terro Myllyvirta sang a traditional Finnish Folk song Finlandia. All songs sang on the day can be viewed in the ‘Videos‘ section of our website.